New species were found in an upland forest in the mountains in Ecuador, write the researchers who joined in Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International (RAEI) headed by U.S. biologist Paul Hamilton in a report published on 14 January.
To-30 new species found in RAEI is very unique and with the behavior of living of the ordinary. An example is the frog with red eyes, the frog is very unique because of the different behavior of this type of frog usual. This frog really live in the trees, instead of laying eggs in water, they put their eggs in trees. Frogs are also not hatch as tadpoles, but the hatch straight and like their parent.
One more unique species are geckos scaly with big eyes but very small. Gecko is very little that is only equal to a stick on a pencil eraser. "They're crawling in the garbage dedauan on the forest floor, and they are so small that very hard to find.
However, the most unique of the new species discovered were a glass frog. This frog called frog glass because their bodies are transparent so that it can penetrate visible. Menerut information researchers, these frogs can pass visible because of pigmentation so that the organs in the body and a beating heart activity could be seen.
More than 150 species of glass frogs are found in rain forest trees in Central and South America, according to RAEI. But the number that are threatened with extinction.
The types of other new species discovered are of species of reptiles such as snakes, iguanas and also of species of insects. Of species of reptiles such as Iguana dwarf, lizard that breathes with the skin, snake-eating snails, and insects penyamar that a completely new look.
RAEI admitted they were very lucky to find a new species because all of them in conditions that are threatened with extinction due to global warming. According to research group based in Arizona, USA, they need more time to be looking again because if it can not continue we will never see many new species.