All4Pets Introduction

All4pet company was launched in October ‘2009’, and is an outcome of perpetual innovative thought of Ektek pharma to have a dedicated division for pets which caters to varied daily needs on pets, pampering your beloved pets with all imaginative treats, just under one roof. The humble endeavor is just to live up to your expectations that you name it and we must have it.

All4pet is an integrated company that is a part of Ektek Pharma, which is having rich experience in marketing quality medicines. It is presently undergoing a transformation and developing itself into a very fast growing premium pet product company.

OUR Mission is to serve the pet health community. We are dedicated towards enhancing pet health through quality of our products. We recognize that continuously improving quality is essential to maintain excellence.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is our motto. We are keen to understand the changing pet’s needs. We aim for total customer satisfaction achieving High excellence in selected pet market & products worldwide.

V I S I O N…………………….

To be a leading pet healthcare products marketing company in India and to be globally recognized for providing quality pet healthcare products in affordable and innovative manner to its customers.

We have dedicated CUSTOMER SUPPORT team, which handles queries. Our top management is dedicatedly involved in understanding the concern of the customers for providing excellent services across the time.